BUILT:EAST Pavilion Opens

Our pavilion has opened on the Newtownards Road and we are excited to see it being inhabited. Taking on a life of its own, we hope it continues to generate new interactions and conversations with the local community, within the urban fabric. In collaboration with OGU Architects.

“Built:East demonstrates the positive contribution architects make to public spaces and the benefits that design quality brings to our citizens.” - RSUA Director Ciarán Fox

“The pavilion not only provides a covered event space but it also enhances the local environment. It looks fantastic and I want to commend the young architects who have really brought this area to life through their innovative design.” - Harry Moore from DfC

“All this concentrated design, engineering and manufacturing effort is well worth it. The Belfast Truss Pavilion feels comfortably embedded in its locale. It would be good to see it stay there quite a while”

- Hugh Geoffrey Pearman MBE - Architecture critic and editor of the RIBA Journal, the magazine of the Royal Institute of British Architects


The Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs formally opened the revamped, cleaned and renewed public open space in Bethnal Green.

The opening event was marked with a performance from the London International Gospel Choir, showcasing how the space has been transformed.
